
DCome Life-saving Anti-choking Device



DCome choking rescue device covers adults and children. Report a life saved to get a free replacement.


Turning Crisis into Innovation

The inception of the DCome Anti Choking Device is deeply rooted in a personal crisis that transformed into a mission for greater safety. The founder, an engineer, experienced a terrifying episode when his daughter Lily choked during a family meal. After performing the Heimlich maneuver, thankfully, the object was expelled. But the haunting “what-ifs” lingered in his mind. What if he hadn’t been there? What if it happened when the child was with a caregiver unaware of the necessary steps in such emergencies? This personal episode ignited a passion to develop an innovative device that could offer a safer, more reliable alternative for emergency choking situations, particularly for vulnerable groups like children and the elderly.

Determined to make a difference, the engineer embarked on a journey of research and development. He recognized the inherent flaws and complexities in existing anti-choking products and was driven to create something more intuitive and effective. His dedication led to extensive testing and iterations, culminating in 2021 with the patenting of a groundbreaking anti-choking device. This new invention eliminated the traditional elastic throat tube, which was often intimidating and potentially harmful. Instead, he introduced a design that was less invasive and more comfortable, ensuring a secure fit over the face. The DCome device, born from a blend of personal experience and technical expertise, marked a significant advancement in emergency medical technology.

what to do when someone is choking
choking vacuum device
kids choking rescue device

About Choking

Choking Hazards

Choking hazards among children predominantly stem from food items like whole grapes, hot dogs, and small, hard candies, as well as small objects such as toys, and craft materials that they may curiously explore with their mouths.
Adults often face choking dangers from improperly chewed food items, particularly meats and whole vegetables, and unsuspectingly ingesting or inhaling small objects like caps, lids, or bones found in meals, signaling a crucial need for mindful eating and preparation.

Choking Statistics

Choking remains a significant public health issue, causing both fatal and nonfatal incidents globally. According to the National Safety Council (NSC), choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury death. The U.S. alone witnesses over 5,000 deaths annually due to choking-related incidents. Most victims are children under the age of 5 and adults over the age of 75, indicating a vulnerability at both ends of the age spectrum.

choking heimlich

Choking Prevention

First Aid Knowledge: Learning first aid and choking response techniques like the Heimlich Maneuver can be vital in a crisis.
Anti-choking Devices: Having an anti-choking device, like DCome, accessible in homes, restaurants, schools, and healthcare facilities can provide an immediate response in a choking emergency.
Raise Awareness: Spread information regarding choking hazards and prevention strategies among caregivers, teachers, and family members.


The Key to Safety with DCome Choking Device

Utilizing a suction-based airway assist technology, the DCome choking device is expertly designed for the safe and effective removal of foreign objects, transforming traditional approaches to choking emergencies.

Tube-Free: DCome’s innovative design eliminates the need for a traditional throat tube, addressing common issues such as patient anxiety, discomfort, and the safety risks associated with the use of a flexible laryngeal tube. This unique feature not only simplifies the rescue operation but also significantly enhances safety, making it an ideal solution for children who are particularly vulnerable to choking hazards.

Effortless Pull-Free: Innovatively designed without an elastic throat tube, DCome’s device enables rescuers to exert maximum force when pulling the piston rod. This action generates adequate negative pressure and vacuum suction, ensuring the efficient extraction of obstructive items. The device is easy to use, even for children, ensuring that it is accessible and effective in critical situations.

Choking-Free: DCome prioritizes both safety and efficiency, offering a dependable solution for addressing choking emergencies. By combining user-friendly design with effective technology, DCome provides peace of mind, ensuring a safer environment for everyone, especially in high-risk choking scenarios.

what we do

First-Aid Choking Training.

airway assist device
choking apparatus

We not only prioritize creating reliable anti-choking devices but also ardently advocate for comprehensive First-Aid Choking Training. Our team undergoes rigorous training sessions, ensuring we are adept at identifying choking signs and proficient in deploying life-saving techniques, including expert use of our device and performing the Heimlich Maneuver. This dedication stems from our commitment to safety and our belief that equipped with the right knowledge and skills, we can foster a safer environment and effectively act during choking emergencies, potentially saving lives.

Why DCome

Key Product Features

FDA Approval
Utility Patent Support
Effective Design
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